The ONE Conference is a vibrant and engaging ministry experience designed to unite the Body of Christ in encountering heaven and pursuing God’s purposes. This immersive weekend features several of today’s highly regarded prophetic voices, delivering timely messages from the Lord to equip and inspire believers.
This year’s theme, All In, challenges us to live fully devoted lives, ready to see God move in unprecedented ways. Throughout the conference, you’ll be encouraged, equipped, and empowered alongside a community of believers from New England and beyond, as we seek a mighty move of the Spirit for this generation.
Friday Evening General Session
Welcome and Introductions
7:00-10:00 PM
Delia Knox
Saturday Morning Prayer Meeting
8:30-9:30 AM
NEPC Prayer Team
Saturday Morning General Session
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Gina Blaze and Steve Hannett
Lunch Break — 12:00 -1:30 PM
Workshop Session 1
1:45-3:15 PM
Workshop Session 2
3:30-4:45 PM
Dinner Break — 5:00-6:45 PM
Saturday Evening General Session
7:00-9:30 PM
Kimberly Clark - Presentation "Miracle"
Len Ballenger
Sunday Morning Gateway Christian Fellowship Service
10:00 AM
Judy Shaw
Sunday Evening Concert
6:00 PM
Concert For The One
Sean Forrest
What to Expect:
General Sessions
Gather for powerful sessions featuring heart-stirring worship and challenging prophetic messages that will strengthen your faith and foster unity within the Body of Christ.
Saturday Workshops
Engage in actionable, hands-on workshops designed to equip you for ministry and personal growth. Each session provides fresh insights, spiritual strategies, and practical tools to help you move forward in your calling. Can’t fit everything into your schedule? Don’t worry—you’ll have access to audio recordings and additional resources after the event.
Workshop Topics:
Opening Heaven – Taking Your Prayer Life to a Deeper Level
If your prayer meetings were a thermometer, what is the temperature of your church today? This workshop is about reviving a robust prayer life through worship and intersession, centering on the presence of God.
Prophetic Mantle – Awakening the Prophetic Gift Inside You
The Bible says, “Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. This workshop will encourage, exhort, and edify your prophetic gift.” ~ 1 Corinthians 14:1
Breaking Free from Trauma – Spiritual Strategies for Overcoming Pain
This workshop focuses on moving beyond triggers and equips you with strategic tools for deep core-level restoration.
God’s Masterpiece – Releasing Your God-given Creative Nature
This workshop will help you awaken your unique creative gifts and discover how to express them with a purpose.
Forge a Weapon – Sharpening Your Scripture Memory
If you want to change the atmosphere, then this workshop is for you. You will learn an ancient memory technique to internalize God‘s word successfully and use it skillfully in your daily life.
The Gift of Tongues – Your Power Tool for Spiritual Elevation
Your greatest weapon and power base as a Christian believer is that of praying in the Spirit. Learn what Scripture says about this gift and how you can receive power from on high.
The Healing Covenant: How to Get Healed and Stayed Healed
This workshop will equip you with the biblical principles on how to receive divine healing and walk in lasting wholeness.
Understanding Apostolic Release - Stepping into a Greater Dimension of Authority
This workshop will help you recognize the authority you carry, break through spiritual limitations, and accelerate into a higher level of anointing and impact.
Next Gen: Unshakable Faith
This workshop will focus on living boldly for Christ, standing firm in faith, being courageous, and walking with Jesus in a world full of challenges.
Sunday Evening Concert for the ONE
End the weekend on a high note with our Concert for the ONE, featuring music artist Sean Forrest, founder of Haiti180. This uplifting event will be a powerful conclusion to an unforgettable weekend.
Join us March 28–30 for a life-changing weekend where we’ll experience the presence of the Holy Spirit and prepare to step boldly into God’s plans for 2025. Come with great expectation and leave inspired, equipped, and ready to see God move like never before!
When asking Delia how she would best want to be known, her immediate response was, “A Worshiper!” It’s who she is! She loves to be in the presence of the Lord worshiping the King of Kings! Although she has experienced the incredible healing power of the Master’s hand, as witnessed by the world arising from a wheelchair after 22 years, her favorite place is standing in His face, walking after His heart. She doesn’t just sing a song, she becomes the song!
Kimberly Clarke is the Creator and Executive Producer of the docu-series “Miracle” by Angel Studios. “Miracle” explores the fascinating realm of medical miracles and investigates claims of the impossible through the dual lens of cutting edge science and the supernatural. “Miracle” ventures to the uncharted edges of faith, reason, and The Spirit, challenging everything we think we know about healing, belief, and the intersection of the seen and the unseen.

At age 19, Pastor Steve Hannett was miraculously healed of cancer during a supernatural encounter with God. This encounter with Jesus Christ forever changed the course of Steve’s life and created a God-breathed passion for seeing the truth of the gospel touch multitudes. He carries a powerful apostolic teaching and healing anointing, and ministers among the nations with signs, wonders, and miracles by the working of God’s Holy Spirit.

Len Ballenger has served in ministry for 30 years as a father, pastor, international speaker, songwriter, author, mentor, prophetic voice and apostolic leader. Reaching back from a four–generation ministry heritage, he reaches forward to bring a fresh word from the Lord for this generation. His passion remains to preach God‘s kingdom to the nations and strengthen the Church in the earth. He has ministered in over 50 nations and seen thousands of souls come to Christ.

Keith has been a dedicated Christian artist for over 20 years, bringing his talent to life by painting live during worship services and events around the World. “I have come into a place where I have a great wife and family and I am now searching for how I can be more like Christ.” His goal is to serve others through his art, and in doing so give them hope, especially during desperate times. He seeks to encourage and inspire others through his life and art.

Dan and Gina Blaze are the founders and Co-Directors of the New England Prayer Center. For over 34 years they have invested their lives into people and prayer. Dan and Gina’s personal mission statement is: “There’s nothing more important to God than prayer. We have no greater need and no greater privilege than to connect with our Creator.”

ONE Conference will conclude on Sunday evening with our powerful Concert for the ONE Featuring Sean Forrest founder of Haiti180.
In 2001, Sean Forrest took a leap of faith. While traveling internationally and speaking to people about faith, he could not ignore God’s call to help the poor. He went to Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Sean was so moved by the poverty he witnessed that he asked God, if it was His will, to help him build an orphanage where he could nurture future leaders of faith for the country of Haiti. God blessed that vision, and Sean surrounded himself with an amazing team. An orphanage was built, and the organization “Haiti180” was established, where Sean serves as co-founder, president, and mission leader.
Soon after the orphanage was constructed, they built a beautiful chapel reminding everyone to keep Christ at the heart of the mission. Inspired by Gods grace to not stop there Haiti180 constructed a beautiful school that has 350 amazing students who will speak three languages when they graduate. Broken hearted by the loneliness and despair of the forgotten elderly who often die alone in their huts, Haiti180 constructed two elderly homes and watched in awe at God’s plan as the children of the orphanage began interacting with the elderly, creating a beautiful grandparent program. Haiti180 just completed a state-of-the-art medical facility that will serve thousands with urgent care, maternity care, dental and eye care, cardiology and radiology departments, and lab work. Since inception thousands of missionaries have come to help the poorest of the poor, and in doing so have been blessed greatly. Haiti180 has over 45 Haitian employees and has become something greater then Sean ever imagined, but that is how our God works.
Sean continues to say that it is not the greatness of him or the organization that has allowed all of these things to happen but rather the grace of God. Sean defines his role as “someone who creates space for others to enter into and let God be amazing through them.” You will often hear Sean say, “be ready to enter in. Don’t be afraid to go on the adventure. You have one life! Enter in!” Sean also does not proclaim to have it all together and therefore can speak to people professionally. In fact, his approach is more of learning from his failures and helping others to avoid the snares he has found himself in. He believes the greatest gift God has given him is his wife and children who have also been graced with a spirit of adventure as well and are always ready to “enter in!”

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We are deeply grateful for the abundant blessings of fellowship and the uplifting spirit shared by all


MARCH 28-30, 2025
Hotel reservations can be made at:
The room block for the hotel is until February 23. Please make your reservations ASAP.
There is a special price under
New England Prayer Center.
Hampton Inn
510 Saw Mill Rd.
West Haven, CT 06516
Office +1 203-932-0404
Noel Camacho is a servant of Christ, using music, evangelism, and digital media to testify of Jesus’ love and power. Through worship, testimonies, and street ministry, he spreads the gospel, calling hearts to salvation and revival.
Heather is a worshiper with a heart to see everyone encounter the passion of the love of the father. Born and raised in Connecticut, she longs that a generation would be filled with courage and walk through life, hand-in-hand with Jesus. Heather is passionate about authentic honest Davidic worship unto the Lord.
Noel Camacho is a servant of Christ, using music, evangelism, and digital media to testify of Jesus’ love and power. Through worship, testimonies, and street ministry, he spreads the gospel, calling hearts to salvation and revival.
Judy Shaw is a highly sought-after international speaker with an apostolic anointing to advance the Kingdom of God. Through the love and grace of God, she has commanded the attention of audiences all over the world for the past 30 years sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Heather is a worshiper with a heart to see everyone encounter the passion of the love of the father. Born and raised in Connecticut, she longs that a generation would be filled with courage and walk through life, hand-in-hand with Jesus. Heather is passionate about authentic honest Davidic worship unto the Lord.
Judy Shaw is a highly sought-after international speaker with an apostolic anointing to advance the Kingdom of God. Through the love and grace of God, she has commanded the attention of audiences all over the world for the past 30 years sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.